
Use an experienced broker to make your South African money transfers

Getting money into South Africa can be complex. You need to operate within exchange control regulations. Knowing how to best transfer money into South Africa requires expert knowledge and understanding.

We have years of industry experience, and three forex brokerages in South Africa alone. Our teams in Johannesburg, Cape Town, Durban, and London facilitate over 140,000 transactions for 60,000 registered clients each year, so we know how to make the process of transferring money internationally as convenient and cost-effective as possible.

We will ensure that your transfers are quick and hassle-free, no matter where you are sending them from. With us you will always be compliant with South African Reserve Bank exchange control regulations.


Get in touch

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Compliance and regulations

Our forex service is registered with all of the relevant authorities globally. Sable International is a trading name of Sable International FX Limited (company number 07070528), registered in England and Wales. We are authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority in the UK (FCA no. 517570) and the Financial Services Conduct Authority in South Africa (Sable International FX [PTY] Limited - FSP no. 41900). We are registered as a Money Services Business with FinCEN in the USA (Sable International FX Limited -registration no. 31000236345657). Visit our compliance page.

For clients utilising our Currency Solved service, these products and services are provided by the FCA regulated E-money institution CurrencyCloud – please see license and registration details here