7 ways to finance your small business

by Scott Brown | Oct 3, 2022

Securing funding or a business loan is possibly the hardest part of starting a business. Here are some of the ways you can find the funds you ...

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Close the door on your tax residency – deactivate your South African tax number

by William Louw | Sep 30, 2022

If you have left South Africa, no longer owe SARS, and have no ties to the country, you should deactivate your tax number after tax emigrating...

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Mini Budget Statement 2022: What you need to know

by Savannah Johnston | Sep 23, 2022

Kwasi Kwarteng has presented his first statement as the Chancellor of the Exchequer, announcing several noteworthy changes which will affect b...

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How a tax directive can reduce your monthly South African tax bill

by William Louw | Sep 15, 2022

When you get a large or unusual payout like a retrenchment package or you’re a commission earner with an income that fluctuates from month-to-...

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A complete tax calendar for UK contractors and freelancers

by Scott Brown | Sep 12, 2022

Here are the key accounting and tax dates that contractors and freelancers need to keep track of for the tax year.

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How to avoid penalties with the launch of the UK’s Register of Overseas Entities

by Scott Brown | Sep 12, 2022

The Register of Overseas Entities came into force in the UK on 1 August 2022. If you are an overseas entity who is in the process of buying, s...

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Understanding South African tax and reserve bank definitions

by William Louw | Aug 17, 2022

Many people who have to file taxes in South Africa get confused by the terms that are used by the South African Revenue Service and the South ...

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Emigrating from South Africa? Here's how to reduce your tax payments

by William Louw | Aug 11, 2022

When planning a big move overseas, it’s easy to forget one of the most important things: tax. Here’s a non-exhaustive list of things you shoul...

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SARS Auto-Assessment – dodge the pitfalls

by William Louw | Jul 8, 2022

The South African Revenue Service’s new fully automated assessments are causing havoc for some taxpayers. Here’s what you need to know before ...

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