Covid-19 – Challenging our ideas

In economic data terms Covid-19 is in a category all its own. But as we enter a phase I would call ”peak horror” I’d like to share a view of t...

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Advice on cross-border financial planning and investing offshore

by Staff Writer | Apr 1, 2020

Moving money across borders is complex. There are many things to consider, such as tax laws, immigration, real estate and regulations. We spok...

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Another Stamp Duty Land Tax surcharge for foreign property buyers

by Bill Monty | Mar 2, 2020

While the never-ending Brexit discussion is grabbing the headlines, very little attention is being paid to the Budget Speech on 11 March 2020 ...

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Does financial planning advice really make a difference?

People often contemplate whether it’s beneficial to hire a financial planner or not. With global uncertainty on the increase, now is as good a...

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What South Africans in Portugal need to know about Portugal’s Non-Habitual Residence programme

by Staff Writer | Nov 30, 2019

The topic of tax reliefs in Portugal is an interesting one when you consider that Portugal has a history of personal tax rates as high as 56%....

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14 things to check and questions to ask when viewing a house

by Staff Writer | Nov 22, 2019

Purchasing a new house isn’t easy – deciding on the perfect property can cause anxiety. It can help to prepare a list of things to check when ...

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Do you have the "optimal" investment portfolio?

by Staff Writer | Oct 25, 2019

The investment industry, like any other, is out to sell its wares. To do this, it needs stories, because people buy stories, don’t they? The s...

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How do you think about risk? The psychology behind investment decisions

Deciding on the risk you take with your investments is a slippery subject. One is more likely to think rationally about the concept when your ...

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Should you remortgage or consider a product transfer?

by Staff Writer | Sep 23, 2019

A product transfer is an often-overlooked method to pay less on your mortgage. Switching to a better rate with your current lender is fast, ea...

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