Pension auto enrolment – does it apply to UK contractors?

by Staff Writer | Aug 2, 2017

We all now know that the UK government has become concerned that the work force is not putting enough money aside to cover their financial req...

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How SARS plans to target South African expats

by Niel Pretorius | Jul 21, 2017

Mark Twain said it best – “The difference between a taxidermist and a tax collector is that the taxidermist only takes your skin”. In the 2017...

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SA tax payers and the Common Reporting Standard

by Niel Pretorius | May 4, 2017

Martha & the Vandellas’ hit released 40 years ago seems more apt than ever. A government keen on increasing tax revenues at all costs and new ...

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South Africa’s sovereign debt downgrade and its implications

by Staff Writer | Apr 13, 2017

South Africa finds itself in the grip of a full-blown political crisis. In times like this, cool heads prevail and well-considered plan Bs are...

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South Africans working abroad: Protect your earnings from proposed SARS tax rules

by Niel Pretorius | Mar 27, 2017

If you are a South African tax resident working abroad in a country that does not tax you on domestic earnings, like the UAE and many other mi...

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British expats to take on 25% tax on pension transfers

by Staff Writer | Mar 23, 2017

Britons living outside of the UK will now face a hefty tax when transferring their pensions outside of the UK as HM Revenue & Customs (HMRC) h...

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Auto enrolment: Don’t slip up in the mad rush to get compliant

by Staff Writer | Nov 7, 2016

The Pensions Regulator is cracking the whip when it comes to small business and auto enrolment and thousands of businesses are finding that th...

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SA Inheritance Tax: Government plans to increase collection

by Staff Writer | Sep 21, 2016

Government is always looking for ways to increase tax collection and in a society such as South Africa, where there still exists great inequal...

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Avoiding unknown unknowns: Why investors need financial planners

by Staff Writer | Jun 6, 2016

When asking a new client what financial planning is, I am usually met with a blank stare. It’s a vague term accompanied by many stereotypes. H...

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