Offshore investment for South Africans

by Niel Pretorius | May 26, 2016

As a financial planner and offshore investment specialist at Sable International, I frequently help South Africans invest offshore. In this ar...

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Make the most of your Rands with an offshore retirement annuity trust

by Niel Pretorius | Mar 22, 2016

Rand volatility and long term depreciation are here to stay. With a ratings downgrade on the cards, it is important for South Africans who wan...

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How South Africans can invest in UK property

by Megan Copley | Jan 18, 2016

Young South Africans looking to buy property should consider investing in the UK. Not only is it a great way to earn solid returns in Pounds, ...

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Using your bonus payments effectively

by Staff Writer | Jan 14, 2016

It is always tempting to spend a bonus on luxury items or an extravagant trip to an exotic destination. A much better idea is to use it to hel...

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Get the most of your year-end bonus in the UK

by Staff Writer | Dec 16, 2015

It’s the time of year when things start slowing down, leaving you free to plan how to spend your year-end bonus. While it may be tempting to s...

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Top investment strategies

by Staff Writer | Dec 4, 2015

When it comes to financial markets, the only certainties are both risk and uncertainty itself.

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How non-residents can secure a UK mortgage

by Staff Writer | Nov 10, 2015

Buying property offshore is becoming an increasingly popular option for South African and Australian nationals. Property prices in the United ...

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Investing offshore – debunking myths

by Staff Writer | Sep 9, 2015

Is it better to invest locally or offshore? Some South African investors believe that lower investment returns earned by investing offshore ar...

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How to deal with market volatility

by Staff Writer | Aug 25, 2015

The volatility in international markets over the last two weeks has had investors scrambling to mitigate losses. Risk appetite is plummeting a...

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